Celina Castillo

Why Business Transaction Law Services Are So Valuable


If you are a business owner or if you are otherwise involved in the business world, then you will probably want to find a good law firm that provides business transaction law services. The services that these companies provide are incredibly valuable for those in the business world for these reasons and more. Your Business Might Make a Lot of Transactions Even if you run a smaller business, there is a good chance that your business performs a lot of transactions throughout the course of a normal year.

31 July 2020

Keys to Addressing No Fault Claims After an Accident


The automobile insurance industry right now is valued at more than $300 billion and rising. You can protect yourself and your vehicle when you have the right auto insurance. This also helps to protect the damages that you create in the event that you cause damage to someone else's property. There are several legal parameters you must be aware of when things go wrong. No Fault Claims are common in the world of auto accidents.

23 July 2020

Common Incorrect Assumptions About Wrongful Death Litigation


Those who have lost a loved one due to neglect or malice may not realize that they are entitled to compensation for the loss of a loved one. This is often due to the many misconceptions that surround wrongful death cases. However, with the help of a wrongful death attorney, you can avoid falling for one of the many misconceptions surrounding wrongful death. You're Entitled to Wrongful Death Even After Collecting Life Insurance Benefits

14 July 2020

Painting Concrete Walkways Could Create Slip-And-Fall Hazards


Slip and fall accidents can happen on someone's property for many different reasons. When the walkway leading to the front steps has obstructions such as toys, leaves, and debris, visitors must navigate trip hazards. So, keeping a walkway clear and clean contributes to both neatness and safety. However, even a sparkling clean walkway could present dangers when a homeowner makes drastic mistakes while performing home improvements. The seemingly simple act of painting the walkway could create a hazard when the paint job makes the surface slippery.

26 June 2020

How Medical Evidence Features In Injury Cases


When presenting a case, one of the biggest concerns a personal injury lawyer usually wants to address is how much medical evidence is available. There are a variety of legal reasons why this part of filing a claim or advancing a lawsuit is critical, but these three issues are among the most important. Showing Damages A baseline question that has to be addressed at the start of nearly all injury cases is, "

11 February 2020

Great Expectations: What To Expect From A Car Accident Settlement


Accident victims deserve to be "made whole again" using personal injury compensation. This old-fashioned legal term means that victims should be brought back to their previous state or as close to that as possible using financial means. When you seek money damages from the driver who hit you and sent you to the hospital, you are not being greedy – you are just trying to right a wrong. The question always arises of the amount you might be entitled to be paid.

7 February 2020

How To Seek Compensation After A Boat Collision With An Underwater Object


Boating can be much more unpredictable than other forms of transportation. You might not realize that there's an object that's submerged and your boat might strike this object and begin sinking. If you have an accident as a passenger, you might suffer an injury when the boat strikes an object. Depending on the actions taken by the boat operator, you may have a personal injury case. Understanding Negligence A boat operator is typically considered negligent for a boat accident if he or she has been speeding or has been operating the boat in dense fog.

5 February 2020

The Basics Of Motorcycle Personal Injury Cases


Motorcycle accidents have the potential to be quite dangerous. These accidents are more common than you might think, and they can lead to serious injuries that can be devastating. Some patients suffering from motorcycle accident injuries never completely recover. In this guide, you will learn more about motorcycle accidents and what you should do next for your case. What Kind of Accidents Can Lead to Personal Injury Cases? After you experience a motorcycle accident, you may suffer from a variety of injuries.

3 February 2020

Understanding When To Hire A Workers Compensation Attorney


Worker's compensation insurance is a type of insurance policy that the vast majority of employers are legally required to carry. This type of insurance is designed to protect employees if they are injured while at work. In most cases, filing a worker's compensation claim after a workplace injury is fairly straightforward, but there are situations that can become complicated. Thus, there are instances where one may require the services of a worker's compensation attorney.

31 January 2020

Self-Driving Features And Personal Injury Claims: What To Expect


Autonomous, or self-driving, functions are not features of the future. There are plenty of vehicles that have this capability on the road right now. This level of control, or lack thereof, raises plenty of safety concerns, and there has been little discussion about who will be to blame if these systems fail and cause a crash. Responsibility to Monitor Self-driving features are awesome in that they give the driver the opportunity to allow the vehicle's technology to drive and stay in the lane.

29 January 2020