Painting Concrete Walkways Could Create Slip-And-Fall Hazards


Slip and fall accidents can happen on someone's property for many different reasons. When the walkway leading to the front steps has obstructions such as toys, leaves, and debris, visitors must navigate trip hazards. So, keeping a walkway clear and clean contributes to both neatness and safety. However, even a sparkling clean walkway could present dangers when a homeowner makes drastic mistakes while performing home improvements. The seemingly simple act of painting the walkway could create a hazard when the paint job makes the surface slippery.

Painting Surfaces and Creating Hazards

Painting concrete creates risks that appear when the weather changes. Painted concrete surfaces might not be "slip free" when dry, and things could become dramatically worse after it rains. Since painted concrete surfaces look okay, even when wet, a guest could walk across the surface when water and puddles appear. The guest may then slip, fall, and suffer an injury. Since the homeowner created the hazard, he or she may be liable for those injuries. Not knowing painted surfaces could be slick could be a workable defense. 

Adding to the Hazard

Who says the only way water gets on the surface is by rain or snow? Maybe the homeowner decided to run a sprinkler for the nearby lawn. If the positioning of the sprinkler system causes water to soak the walkway, which creates a slip hazard, the homeowner could be in trouble. The case for negligence rears its head once again due to creating a situation where someone could slip and fall. People don't always think about the hazards they may create around the home. Regardless, the dangers exist.

Omissions and Incomplete Jobs

Omissions also contribute to negligence. When painting concrete, some choose to sprinkle sand on the wet paint to create traction. There are even traction-boosting sand-like products sold in home improvement stores intended to enhance traction. Whether they work or not only reveals itself if the paint develops a surface that's not slippery. Failure to add the gravel, sand, or another anti-slip material may be deemed another act of negligence.

Doing Things Right

Tossing a traction-supporting substance on the wet paint, however, is not enough. If you sprinkle it in one area and leave other areas uncovered, then the job is shoddy. And yes, that would be construed as potential negligence. Doing something is not enough. The work must be done correctly. Maybe that's why it is best to hire a professional when painting walkways.

And those injured in slip-and-fall accidents may find it necessary to speak with a slip and fall attorney.


26 June 2020

After The Accident: A Law Resource Website

Getting in any sort of car accident is traumatic, especially if your injuries are bad enough to land you in the hospital. The last thing you want to worry about after the crash is medical bills, but sadly, insurance companies do not always make it easy to collect the funds to cover those expenses. On top of that, you have lost wages from the days you missed at work. There is a solution. Personal injury and car accident attorneys are there to make sure you get the compensation you deserve after a car accident. We've created this website to help you learn more about their services.