What To Do After Being Injured In An Auto Accident


Were you the unfortunate victim of an auto accident that left you with a serious injury? If so, you're likely wondering what to do that will help strengthen your injury case against the other driver's insurance company.   Take Plenty Of Pictures It's not possible to take too many pictures when you are involved in an auto accident since they are going to be one of your main ways to document what happened and how serious the injury is.

8 June 2021

Why an Injured Motorcyclist Shouldn't Talk to an Insurance Adjuster Alone


After you are involved in a motorcycle accident, you will want to speak with a motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible. The last thing you want is to begin a negotiation with a law firm only to find that you have made a mistake that might lead to your claim being negatively impacted.  The Importance of Speaking With an Attorney Most individuals who do not receive advice from an attorney will not receive a fair settlement.

19 May 2021

What to Know About Handling a Truck Accident Case


Because the trucking industry is so important to the economy, truck drivers have to be aware of the risks on the road, while also finding ways to protect their legal interests if they are ever involved in an accident. Getting help in a truck accident case requires the help of a lawyer, along with an understanding of the law itself. Here are some things that you should know about pursuing a case.

5 May 2021

A Guide to Auto Accident Attorneys


The risk of being involved in car accidents is high. However, people rarely prepare for what to do in case of a car accident. A car accident is often traumatic and confusing. Navigating the hurdles of establishing fault and claiming insurance is not always straightforward. Luckily, there are auto accident attorneys to accompany you in this process. It is a question of how rather than whether to engage the services of auto accident attorneys.

21 April 2021

The Role That Personal Injury Lawyers Play in Advocating for Victims


Attorneys do more than just sit in offices and collect money that their clients pay to them. They actually can be vital advocates for your best interests, particularly when you have been injured in a serious accident. When you find yourself facing off against the person who caused the accident, you do not have to argue for yourself or endure harassment or threats. You can hire a personal injury lawyer where you live to represent and advocate for you.

2 April 2021

Common Reasons For Why Drivers End Up On The Wrong Side Of The Road


It might seem strange for a driver to drive on the wrong side of the road, but this can happen more often than you might think. Unfortunately, driving on the wrong side of the road can lead to some of the most dangerous car accidents. There are several reasons why the driver might be confused. Old Age Some drivers become confused due to old age. A medical condition can lead to a driver not realizing that they are on the wrong side of the road.

19 March 2021

Why You Shouldn't Just Plead Guilty In A Criminal Case


Pushing back against criminal allegations can seem like a lot of work that might not pay off against a government that often seems to get its way. There are, however, several reasons why a criminal defense attorney will tell you to not just plead guilty. Wins Usually Come Early If there are holes in a case, you'll typically have a chance to expose them early. There will be an arraignment hearing where the state has to present the charges and justify them.

11 March 2021

Why The Driver Who Hit You As A Pedestrian Was Likely Driving While Drowsy


The number of injuries that pedestrians have suffered has been going up. It could be the result of Americans being placed under greater stress and working longer hours. It could lead to exhaustion and an increased risk of pedestrian accidents. Being hit by a car as a pedestrian will likely be a life-changing event and you'll have every right to fight as hard as you can with the help of a personal injury lawyer.

9 February 2021

Entrusting Your Case's Outcome To A Skilled Motorcycle Accident Lawyer


As a cyclist, you are entitled to share the road equally with other motorists. However, other motorists may forget this important rule of the road. They may try to crowd you out of your lane of traffic or purposely cut you off. In fact, the roadways are increasingly more dangerous for cyclists, making it likely that you could be involved in a devastating wreck. You can get the compensation and justice that you are entitled to by hiring an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer to represent you.

29 January 2021

What Makes Social Security Disability a Good Solution?


If you have been injured at work and have been declared disabled, you might have considered filing for Social Security Disability but dismissed the idea because you or your employer already have a disability insurance policy that will compensate you. The reality is that you would typically be better off with Social Security Disability if you can qualify. Here's a look at a few of the reasons why Social Security Disability is a better option.

18 January 2021