A commercial vehicle wreck can take a significant toll on your life, from the physical aspects to the emotional. At times, you may find it difficult to measure the impact of your case.
So, are you unsure what might impact your case? These are some questions to ask as you work on developing your case for court.
How Severe Is the Injury?
The severity of an injury has a lot to do with the general outcome. For instance, you may recover more compensation if you have suffered a spinal injury compared to a fracture of the leg. The same can apply to trauma and emotional damages as well.
What Kind of Treatment Did You Receive?
The type of treatment and the types of medical professionals you received treatment from also play a role in your case. For instance, if your injuries lead you to see a chiropractor or massage therapist, you are likely to receive less compensation than somebody who had to see a surgeon.
The length of the treatment you received also impacts your case. For example, if you have to stay in a hospital for three weeks, you may be eligible to receive more money than you would if you had to stay overnight.
How Quickly Did You Receive Medical Attention?
If you receive medical attention immediately after your commercial vehicle wreck, you may recover more funds than you would have if you received medical attention two weeks later. It can negatively impact your case if you do not get medical care right away.
Do You Have Witnesses?
The witnesses available, and the credibility they possess, will also impact your case. If you have witnesses who are credible, trustworthy, and willing to testify, you can build a stronger case.
Who Is Liable?
In many cases, it is very clear that one party has liability. For instance, a commercial vehicle that sideswiped you while you were inside your vehicle, not moving, may have clear liability in this matter. Things can get a bit messier when there are more complex issues and when the commercial vehicle's insurance company gets involved.
A personal injury attorney will help you strengthen your case and determine the many different components that can strengthen your case over time. Set up an appointment today to discuss your case and build a strong plan of attack, especially when you are fighting a commercial insurance company.
For more information, contact a commercial vehicle wreck attorney, such as one from Frenkel & Frenkel.
Share25 November 2020
Getting in any sort of car accident is traumatic, especially if your injuries are bad enough to land you in the hospital. The last thing you want to worry about after the crash is medical bills, but sadly, insurance companies do not always make it easy to collect the funds to cover those expenses. On top of that, you have lost wages from the days you missed at work. There is a solution. Personal injury and car accident attorneys are there to make sure you get the compensation you deserve after a car accident. We've created this website to help you learn more about their services.